Tuesday, April 12

Sketches of the American army releasing pamphlets down,right infront of Tae-yul's school.(DRAFT)

Sun-hee and tae-yul was stunned by the pamphlets being dropped down from the sky.
Tae-yul is pointing at the pamphlets.

An example of pamphlets that dropped down from the sky.

The reason why we printed and crushed the leaflet is because at those times, ink are available as uncle used ink to print newspaper. We thought that the americans will write one leaflet and duplicate the rest to give the Koreans. Most likely will they write every single leaflet as it might be tiring. We crushed it because Tae-Yul and Sun-Hee hid the leaflet in their shirts for the whole day. It will be crumpled.

1 comment:

  1. For your pamphlet, you have to explain why you have decided to write and design it as such. For example, tell me why it is crumpled and why you choose to have it printed instead of hand-written. Link these points to your knowledge of the context in which this event had happened, etc.
